Copyright © The Industrial Complex. All rights reserved. All contents of this site (including artwork, text, photos, other representations of the artworks, materials related to the artworks) are protected by copyright – any use of these materials without the express permission of The Industrial Complex is a violation of said copyrights.

About The Artist

My name is Bill Horan. I have been writing and recording Electronic music under the name The Industrial Complex for a number of years. I enjoy experimenting with different sounds, and I try to incorporate a number of different styles and genres into my work. I listen to and find influence in all forms of music as well as my environment and surroundings. Click on the "Music" tab at the top of the screen to check out some of my work. And if a particular song fails to tickle your fancy, try another. The tracks sound very different from one another.

I also paint quite a bit. I started many years ago, using oils and acrylics to paint either a depiction of how I'm feeling or a particular image that I happen to be drawn to. You can check out my artwork by clicking the "Paintings" tab. And if you like what you see, there is a site you can visit that is dedicated entirely to my paintings:
